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Google +1

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Google are trialling their version of a Digg or a Facebook 'like'   +1 is Google's attempt to break into the social bookmarking sector.  In the trial, each website in the search results has a +1 button next to it and each time a user searches for a particular product, the results will indicate not only sites that the user has +1'd themselves but also sites which have been +1'd by friends in their (Google) social network, i.e. contacts from Gmail, Google Talk and Buzz.

The increase in popularity of social media has forced Google to use some of its metrics such as diggs, likes, tweets and retweets in their search algorithms.  The use of these metrics allows Google to deliver search results for events as they happen, something they have been criticised for in the past, particularly after Michael Jackson's death when Twitter became the only site for users to turn to for the laterst information online.

Google now has all the pieces needed for a social network (Google profiles, Gmail, Buzz, Google Talk, +1, Android and an app store) but still nothing to link them all together.

Google have stated that +1 will not be used as part of the search algorithm at launch but it is something they will be starting to look at.
We’ll also start to look at +1’s as one of the many signals we use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, including social signals from other services. For +1's, as with any new ranking signal, we'll be starting carefully and learning how those signals affect search quality over time.

See the Webmaster Central Blog for more information
Opt in to +1 here
You will be able to add a +1 button to your site here 

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Google Panda rolled out for all English language users

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Google Panda algorithm update was rolled out to all English language Google users around mid-afternoon yesterday (10th April 2011.) 

Overnight reports which ran here at Fuse are showing all our clients sites gaining significantly in rankings.

We will be analysing the impact of the new Panda algorithm on visitor numbers for all our client's sites once we have a full day of Analytics data to work with.

New Magento eCommerce mobile phone site launched

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fuse have launched their latest Magento site,

With a whole host of tweaks to the core Magento code, the Tuffphones site is now up and running.

Tuffphones sell tough, almost unbreakable phones for customers in construction, building, operators of heavy machinery and other trades, but the largest customer base seems to be those interested in outdoor pursuits such as snowboarding, skiing, sailing and mountain climbing.

Read more about tough phones and Tuffphones!


Google's April Fools Day Roundup

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mail Goggles

For people prone to sending drunken late night messages via Gmail which they later regret, Google has created a foolproof way of detecting whether you may be too intoxicated to be responsible for your actions.

A number of simple mathematical problems allows the software to detect your blood alcohol level.

Google explains. "Sometimes I send messages I shouldn't send. Like the time I told that girl I had a crush on her over text message. Or the time I sent that late night email to my ex-girlfriend that we should get back together.

"Gmail can't always prevent you from sending messages you might later regret, but today we're launching a new Labs feature I wrote called Mail Goggles which may help. "

The Voice-alyzer

Following the same theme, the Google Voice-alyzer protects you from sending out poorly thought out texts and making drunken late night phone calls.

"Ever wake up after a long night and see you called a bunch of exes but don't remember what you said? We're sure you haven't, but, well, we've heard it happens. Quite a bit.

"That’s why we’re excited to announce that today we’re launching the Voice-alyzer setting to hopefully prevent this from ever happening again.

"The next time you know an eventful night is in store, head to the Calls tab in Google Voice Settings. Check the “Enable Voice-alyzer” box, and set the hour that you want the feature to go into effect."

Gmail Motion

Introducing Gmail Motion -- now you can control Gmail with your body!

"Gmail Motion uses your computer's built-in webcam and Google's patented spatial tracking technology to detect your movements and translate them into meaningful characters and commands. Movements are designed to be simple and intuitive for people of all skill levels.

"Using Gmail Motion is not only safe but also healthy and fun. As with any physical activity, certain precautions are recommended.

"First, make sure to clear the area around you. Second, try to take short breaks every 30-40 minutes, just as you would if you were typing. And finally, take time to stretch after each session to give the muscles you'll be using some relief."