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Scareware attacks highlight the latest changes in the Google algorithm

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PandaLabs recently highlighted a sophisticated attack by spammers who targeted hundreds of keyword phrases relating to Ford cars using over a million links from trusted sites. Their aim is to flood the Google rankings with malicious sites so users searching for a phrase such as “Ford Uk” are presented with a list of sites which look authentic except for telltale URLs which consist of random numbers and letters and a “.pl” Polish domain.

When a user clicks on one of the results, malicious software is installed and the user is prompted to pay money to buy ‘security’ software to remove it.

The whole episode illustrates how Google has changed their algorithm from the ‘Florida Update’ era, where a sudden influx of incoming links raised a red flag. With the advent of social networking, social bookmarking and sites built around user-generated content, Google now needs to trust these sudden bursts of new links, but it isn’t always good at spotting where the algorithm is being fooled by spammers manipulating these trusted sites.

For search engine optimisation companies, this highlights the importance not only of links from user-generated content sites, but more specifically that sudden increases in link volumes from trusted sites with ‘fresh’ content no longer incurs the wrath of Google and now does the exact opposite. Even for blackhat SEO’ers and spammers.

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Using non-Google SEO techniques...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Having worked in the world of online before it became commercial, our experience at Fuse helps determine how to negotiate the minefield that makes it difficult to decide what works in the world of e-marketing and what is ineffective or downright dodgy.

Useful then to share with you non-Google SEO ways to promote companies and businesses online. How on earth do you pick your way through the vast range of multimedia applications, social networks and 'others' that are helpful for search engine optimisation purposes?

You'll be going in the right direction utilising some of the techniques from this list of 10 non-Google SEO business promotion techniques, especially those near the top of the list such as Twitter, blogging, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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The secrets of Google news exposed

Monday, April 13, 2009

A recent post on the Google news blog has finally laid to rest a number of SEO myths about how to rank well in Google's news search.

Google confirmed that:
  • Updating a news item once it has been published can create problems.
  • Articles which contain only images or video won't be included.
  • Redesigning your site may affect coverage in Google News.
Common myths include:
  • Timing the publication of the article improves ranking.
  • Having adsense on your site impoves rankings.
  • Having an image next to your article impoves rankings.

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Vizu survey - quality of writing wins blog readership

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A recent Vizu study shows that 43.9% of respondents stated that the quality of writing on a blog influences the blogs they read. 51% said the quality helps them assess which blogs are of high quality and 38% said it was the author's reputation which drives this perceived credibility.

Rand Fishkin has blogged about this in his recent 21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets post.