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The SEO Rapper

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The SEO Rapper teaches us how good design improves rankings and consequently conversions.

Did you ever imagine you'd hear the lines

"do your layout with divs make sure that it's aligned
please don't use tables even though they work fine"


"when you use CSS, you page will load quicker
client satisfied like they eating on a snicker"

in a rap song?  If you enjoy absorbing SEO information through the format of rap then you can also try his other masterpiece Pagerank or perhaps his battle with the PPC MC


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The 'Reasonable Surfer' patent

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Google's recent patent, dubbed the 'Reasonable Surfer' is making the SEO community re-evaluate the way internal and external linking is carried out on a site.

For more information see SEO by the Sea and SearchEngineLand

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