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Webmaster Site Clinic is Launched by Google

Monday, October 25, 2010

Google has launched an online website clinic for webmasters in the US.  The clinic will provide advice via a site clinic on Googles Webmaster Central blog.

On the Google Webmaster Central page, they state.
"This site clinic will focus on non-profit organizations, but chances are that our advice will benefit small business and government sites as well"
Google has trialled the idea before in India, Norway, Sweden and Spain.

Google have also launched "Think Holiday" to prepare retailers for the Christmas holiday season.
Visit the Think Holiday site.

Google's SEO Starter Guide

Friday, October 1, 2010

Google have released an updated version of their SEO starter guide.  The biggest change to the guide is the inclusion of a section titled "SEO for Mobile Phones".

The main chapter headings are SEO Basics, Improving Site Structure, Optimizing Content, SEO for Mobile Phones and Promotions and Analysis.

Each page is referenced with links to a variety of interesting resources such as Cloaking, Tips on hiring an SEO and 301 Redirects.