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SNOWPOCALYPSE hits West Sussex!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The whole of Fuse is abandoning ship as a mighty 1cm of snow cascades from the skies.

The UK's obsession with the weather seems to be bringing twitter to a grinding halt and the roads are clogged with people leaving work early.

Here at Fuse we've been hooked on Ben Marsh's #UKSnow map which is a Google Earth and Twitter "mash-up" showing the slow grisly progress of the snowfall around the UK.

Twitterers are invited to tweet their postcode and a 0 - 10 rating for the snowfall in their area.

The result is a realtime map of snowfall which updates every minute and also includes photos and messages from the various twitter users around the UK.

Thanks to the person who tweeted and coined the phrase "snowpocalypse," genius!

Google Nexus One Launched Today

The Nexus One is due to be unveiled today at Google's Californian HQ.

The phone is expected to cost a little over £300 in the UK for an unlocked version, or just over £100 with a two year contract from T-mobile, although so far, no details have been released about the phone's release outside the US.

Early reviews of the Nexus One have been fairly underwhelming, with most critics saying that it is no different to existing phones running the Google Android operating system such as the Droid from Motorola.

Details are sketchy but it has been confirmed that the phone contains a fast processor, camera, flash and accelerometer.