Friday Round-Up - SEO's Biggest Mistakes and McKeith vs Goldacre
Friday, July 16, 2010
Rand Fishkin lists five of the biggest SEO mistakes he has ever made in this week's Whiteboard Friday, including recommending that clients update all their H1's to include keywords and phrases which later proved to have no more effect than including the same keywords in normal text or bold text at the top of the page.
The rumours about Google's potential new 'Facebook Killer' called 'Google Me' are gaining momentum with the news that they have been conducting focus group research into social networking. Digg founder Kevin Rose was the first to break the news on Twitter and since then the evidence has been mounting.
There have been some interesting discussions this week about a patent issued to Google in 2005 concerning the use of mouse movement in search relevancy. The movement of the mouse into specific areas or hovering over specific results for certain periods of time may indicate greater relevancy and in turn boost the ranking of a page or website.
And my favourite of the week, a great lesson in how not to use social media. Paul Carpenter has posted an excellent summary of the public spat between Gillian McKeith (from the TV program "You Are What You Eat") and her arch-nemesis Ben Goldacre (a regular Guardian columnist and author of "Bad Science") McKeith's use of Twitter is good lesson to all public figures about how social media can be a double-edged sword and that once information has appeared on the internet it is very difficult to remove it without leaving traces behind!
Read some other summaries here including a hilariously titled one from Cubik’s Rube.
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